A 59-year-old male has had migraine, located on the right side of temporal area, on and off for 20 years. The western doctor has diagnosed as a bulging disc on his neck to cause his temporal headache. After the 2nd treatment of our acupuncture and Qigong healing, he reported no headache. He finished a course of 5 treatments and his neck was loosening up. After his one month follow-up, he said that he was extremely well and no headache occurred, since coming to see us.
59 岁的男性右侧偏头痛,大约在太阳穴的位置上,这样的情况断断续续有20年。西医诊断在他的颈部有椎间盘突出,所以造成他的头痛。在我们针灸和气功的治疗下,第二次治疗完后,他表示头痛消失了。治疗完5次的疗程,他的颈部也比较轻松了。在我们一月后的追踪,他表示他的状况很好,自从看了我们以后,他的头痛没有再发生过。